【crack-破解】KeePass 1.18(100901)及中文补丁
KeePass Password Safe 就是专门为了解决人类记不得众多密码的问题所产生的,它包含了一个强大的密码产生引擎与加密储存机能,能够提供一个安全的密码储存空间。当你开始使用 KeePass Password Safe 时,要先决定一个起始密码。此密码用来辨识你的身分,决定你是否可以使用 KeePass Password Safe 软件,因此千万不要忘了。启动后你就可以开始储存密码,在 KeePass Password Safe 软件中已经有一些预设的密码分类,你可以自己再根据需要建立自己喜欢的密码储存分类。KeePass 1.18 100901 发布。看来相当成熟了,大半年发布一次,Bugfix 一条没有。
New Features:
Password quality estimation algorithm: added check for about 1500 most common passwords (these are rated down to 1/8th of their statistical rating; Bloom filter-based implementation).
{GOOGLECHROME} placeholder: updated detection code to also support the latest versions of Chrome.
KeePass now enables data execution prevention (DEP).
Improved lock overlay icon (higher resolution).
Improved character classification in password quality estimation algorithm.
Improved group and entries deletion confirmation dialogs (only Windows Vista and higher).
Items in the update checking, plugin and icon picker dialogs aren't underlined anymore when hovering over them.
The default expiry interval for new entries is now limited to a maximum of 8 years.
Renamed character repetition option in the password generator for improved clarity.
Added code to prevent loading libraries from the current working directory (to avoid binary planting attacks).
Installer: various minor improvements.
Various code optimizations.
Minor other improvements.